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Five Ways to Spring Clean Your Relationship – Relationship Coach Elizabeth Tells How

There comes a time in most relationships when the gloss has definitely gone, and you find yourself complaining about your partner, wondering what went wrong…

Well, since we can't change other people, the only way to change your partner's behaviour is to change yours (we give out what we receive). Why not review the following five areas to see where you could put the spring back into your relationship?

1. You're fault finding – Constant criticism can be hard for any partner to take. When you have an issue, address the problem, not your partner. Don't say "You're an idiot for forgetting to pay the bill!" Instead say "Forgetting to pay the credit card bill cost us a fine, how can we avoid that in future?" Remember you chose your partner for a reason. One of the happiest couples I know, together for 50 years, have rose-tinted glasses for each other and are still very much in love. Why?
